Conscious Body Conversations Episode 3Certified Clinical Hypnotist Susan Marco & I share a belief in wellness: There are tools that are both EASY and QUICKLY effective…and accessible to both “woo” and “non-woo” folks alike! I LOVED this convo with Susan…I hope you do too!
You can find Susan's work here : Please share your AHAs and ask questions here. (Please send a request to join the Private Facebook Group if you aren't a member) Be well, Conscious Body Conversations Episode 1In this episode Karen talks about her 5 pillar approach to weight loss, which was actually refreshing.
You can book a consultation with Karen here: See Karen's work here: Funny, because as a personal trainer this subject hasn’t been a focus of mine and I was glad to hear how she works in this delicate category. About a month ago I was thinking about all the changes that 2020 gifted us with in the wellness space. One of the things I think that year did was blow the lid off of how we think about and approach our health. I decided to reach out to a few of my favorite peers who do progressive work in health & wellness to simply have a conscious conversation and share our perspective. This is the first of many to come & I’m so excited for more! We’d love to hear your a-has and answer any questions here! (Please send a request to join the Private Facebook Group if you aren't a member) To your empowered health, The Embodied Movement Method allows you to truly feel at home in your body because you have developed the tools and skills to be present, feel & decode your body’s language of sensation, and then choose ways of moving that actually meet your health needs in the moment…physically, emotionally, mentally, and energetically. This quick video helps you break down the steps to make this happen!
*Note: comments are turned off for this blog, I’d love to hear from you over on the post in the Facebook Group! Your body is designed to survive…so when something overly ~or covertly~ threatens that, your biological responses are to fight or retreat. Problem is that sometimes things like: “Feel the fear & do it anyway” can trigger this survival instinct and freeze up your vital resources (I bet you know how that feels!) Plowing through and attempting to override this has been the go-to instructions, however when trauma triggers are relentless, this approach can actually bury the issues even deeper.
There is another approach. Going in with a steady awareness that cares for your nervous system. I’d love to hear your thoughts! *Note: comments are turned off for this blog, I’d love to hear from you over on the post in the Facebook Group |
Jessie LucasBuilding new neural pathways through movement. Categories
September 2021